Welcome !
Yamaboshi, a non-profit organization active in Iida City, a town in southern Nagano Prefecture located roughly in the center of Japan, promotes local production for local consumption of resources and energy in order to create a sustainable local society. Utilizing forest resources that lie dormant in the nearby mountains (satoyama) not only leads to reduction of CO2 emissions and plastic waste, but wooden products also enrich our lives.We hope you will use wooden products in your daily life. We also accept orders for production.
また、NPO山法師では化石燃料ゼロハウス風の学舎を宿泊・交流施設として貸し出ししています。お問い合わせ・利用申し込みはこちらまで http://yamabousi.net/
NPO Yamaboshi also rents the Fossil Fuel Zero House Kaze no Manabiya as an accommodation and exchange facility. For inquiries and applications, please contact us.http://yamabousi.net/